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Daycare centre l’île aux mômes – Vésenaz 1

Anières - Collonge-Bellerive - Corsier - Hermance

apply for a place

With the registration on the waiting list for a daycare place, we have all the necessary data to be able to take your child into account in the planning. Registration takes a maximum of 10 minutes and you will then receive confirmation by e-mail. As soon as the daycare has a free place for your child, the daycare manager will contact you.

Access priority

Daycare centre reserved in priority for the inhabitants of Anières, Collogne-Bellerive, Corsier and Hermance

presentation of the daycare centre

L’île aux mômes pop e poppa intercommunal crèche situated in Vésenaz benefits from a public/private partnership with the intercommunal grouping of the communes of Anières, Collonge-Bellerive, Corsier and Hermance.

The main founding values of the educational project are respect, enjoyment, independence, confidence, sharing and freedom. Based on these values, we provide you with educational guidelines that promote children’s overall development and active learning.

To best meet the child’s needs, the facility welcomes children with a range of ages, which means that there are children with a variety of ages within a small group. This type of grouping enables them to develop richer social aptitudes, a better quality of play and greater concentration.

Having a variety of ages is particularly beneficial for the younger ones, who develop various forms of learning such as observation and imitation. It is also very positive for the older ones in that they develop protective and attentive aptitudes with respect to the younger ones.

Anne Pernet
She trained as a specialized educator at the HETS. She initially worked for over 15 years in the field in boarding homes for children and teenagers placed in care for family reasons. She then moved on to become deputy director of educational homes for six years. At the same time, she completed a CAS in solution-focused approach. Since 2023, she has been the manager of l'île aux mômes Vésenaz.



Additional documents

annual closure (FR)


daycare center Regulations (FR)


Regulations (FR)


Welcome Brochure (FR)


external registration daycare center (FR)
