Opening hours
Monday - Friday
07:00 am - 06:30 pm
apply for a place
With the registration on the waiting list for a daycare place, we have all the necessary data to be able to take your child into account in the planning. Registration takes a maximum of 10 minutes and you will then receive confirmation by e-mail. As soon as the daycare has a free place for your child, the daycare manager will contact you.
Access priority
Priority is given to families in the municipality of Veyrier
presentation of the daycare centre
pop e poppa les étournelles is the daycare centre for the commune of Veyrier which is open since 28 October 2019. This daycare centre is subsidised by the commune of Veyrier, and priority is given to families in Veyrier.
The new premises are specially designed for the comfort and development of young children. The child is considered to be the agent of his or her own growth in terms of their immediate and natural environment. The values underpinning the educational project are to respect the individual and nature, have fun, share, learn through experimenting and discovery.
The joy of growing up
Roots and wings
Socio-emotional skills help the child to make progress on a personal level. en.
I feel like…
Free-access play means giving free rein to the imagination and spontaneous movements of a child.
The joy of playing
"Playing is a child's work, it's their job, it's their life". This is not only amusing, it's crucial.