close to public transport
daycare vouchers
inner courtyard
parallax layer

daycare centre Thun


Opening hours

*Additional opening hours and daycare according to requirements can be booked for all children. However, the separate financial regulations apply to hospital staff only.

Monday - Friday

06:30 am - 06:00 pm

Supplementary hours*

06:00 am - 06:30 am

Supplementary hours*

06:00 pm - 07:30 pm

Supplementary hours*

07:30 pm - 09:00 pm

Contact the daycare centre

How can I help you? Contact me for more information about the daycare centre and/or to book a visit. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Ana Abebaw
Ana has been working with children for 11 years and is still passionate about the profession. She worked for several years as a group leader and professional trainer for an infant and very young children's group, where after a while she also took on the role of deputy kindergarten director. Ana then completed further training in leadership and was able to gain experience as a daycare centre manager at the same time. She has now been at the pop e poppa schlossburg daycare centre since October 2022.
Children do not do what we say, but what we do. -Jesper Juul

presentation of the daycare centre

On 1 July 2019, pop e poppa opened a new daycare centre for Spital STS AG. Located in the immediate vicinity of the hospital, the bright, modern premises includes a child-appropriate sheltered playground.

There are sufficient parking spaces for parents to bring and collect their children and the daycare centre is easy to reach by public transport.

Taking account of the hospital working hours, we offer longer opening hours on top of the regular daily hours. The costs arising for hospital staff members who take advantage of this offer during their working hours will be borne by Spital STS AG.

When allocating places, we try to give priority to members of the hospital staff if possible.

  • pep app logo

    pep app

    At pop e poppa you obtain easy and secure access to a free app, which lets you receive important messages and follow the adventures of your child in picture form. It is comforting to know that your child is having a lovely day.
  • pep extended logo

    pep extended

    At pop e poppa we can organise childcare prior and after to the regular opening hours at our daycare centres.


prendre un rdv crèche à thoune
structure d’accueil Schlossburg
crèche pop e poppa Schlossburg Thun
Kita pop e poppa thun schlossburg im Raum Bern
contactez la creche à thoune schlossburg
jardin d'enfants à thoune schlossburg
crèche pop e poppa à thoune schlossburg
crèche à thoune schlossburg

Additional documents

annual closure (de)


Tariffs (DE)




pädagogisches konzept (de)
