parallax layer

Daycare centre in Massongex

les moussaillons

apply for a place

With the registration on the waiting list for a daycare place, we have all the necessary data to be able to take your child into account in the planning. Registration takes a maximum of 10 minutes and you will then receive confirmation by e-mail. As soon as the daycare has a free place for your child, the daycare manager will contact you.


Access priority

Priority is given to families in the municipality of Massongex

presentation of the daycare centre

The pop e poppa les moussaillons daycare centre offers parents continuity in the care of their child while respecting the individuality of each one.

The child is welcomed into an environment that is safe, emotionally as well as materially, run by qualified professionals. The educational team accompany the child in their development towards independence by responding to their needs while respecting the rhythm of each child.

The daycare centre and the before and after school facility prepare the child for their admission to school by offering them an experience of life in a group outside the family environment, the opportunity to be with other children, and participation in a variety of activities.

Christelle Castelli (grand'eau)
Christelle Castelli
Christelle has been working in the field of childhood for almost 20 years. In addition to her training as a childcare educator, she obtained a CAS in professional practice and a CAS in team management and project management. She worked in various facilities and cantons before taking over as regional manager of pop e poppa for the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

The joy of growing up

I feel like…

Free-access play means giving free rein to the imagination and spontaneous movements of a child.

I'm doing it!

The child learns that it can do everyday things on its own: put on its jacket, eat like adults, wash its hands, etc.

A better world

For our teams, good treatment is a constant behaviour of respect and trust to value and encourage the child.


Nos crèches bilingues
réseau de garde enfant pop e poppa
réseau de garderies pop e poppa
pop e poppa les moussaillons Massongex
crèche de Massongex les moussaillons
Crèche - Commune de Massongex
Massongex: crèches et garderies
Massongex: creche et garderies

Additional documents

Annual closure (FR)


Welcome Brochure (FR)


regulations (FR)


Subsidy (FR)
