mutli-age group
parallax layer

daycare centre in Chêne-Bougeries

jean-jacques rigaud

apply for a place

Registration at the Bureau de la Petite Enfance (BuPE), Route du Vallon 6bis (next to the Registry Office building) at 1224 Chêne-Bougeries T: 022 869 17 89 – –

Access priority

Childcare facilities subsidized by the commune of Chêne-Bougeries are reserved, as a priority, for children whose parents live in the commune of Chêne-Bougeries.

presentation of the daycare centre

The daycare centre offers children and their families a safe and cosmopolitan environment. The facility’s garden, which includes a little orchard, provides children with ample opportunity for physical activities.

Two among the three children’s groups are mixed-age, promoting independence, learning through imitation, respect and courtesy towards others.

It is our aim to support the children in their development and give them space to explore and make their own experiences. Throughout this process, we monitor the children’s general development and take their personal needs into account.

Marjorie Regimbeau
Marjorie worked as a child educator for 10 years before becoming the manager of the pop e poppa menthe à l'eau daycare center where she worked with children for 5 years. In addition to her training as an educator, she holds a professional license in the practice of health and social intervention.

The joy of growing up

A well-made head

Neuroscience studies tell us that an empathetic attitude promotes better neural development.

I want to…

Free-access play means giving free rein to the imagination and spontaneous movements for a child actor of his day.

Just like at home

Multi-ageing: with young and old in the same group, we observe a positive group


inscription Crèche de Chêne-Bougeries
Crèche de Chêne-Bougeries - prix
Crèche - Inscription Simple et Rapide
Notre crèche privée à Chêne-Bougeries
Liste des crèches et espaces de vie enfantine Chêne-Bougeries
crèche de chêne-bougeries
Crèche francophone de Chêne-Bougeries


Regulations (FR)


centralized regulations (fr)


Regulations tariffs (FR)


regulations information (fr)


Welcome Brochure (FR)


Annual closure (fr)


Tariffs OC international independent (FR)


Tariffs international independent (FR)


Tariffs OC employee (FR)


Tariffs employee (FR)
