creative atelier
familial daycare centre
playing field
parallax layer

Daycare centre in Aigle

Réseau Enfants Chablais

apply for a place

Parents can request pre-registration by registering on the réseau enfant chablais portal or by downloading the registration form (available under documents) and returning the completed form to

The management of Espace de Vie Enfantine will contact the parents as soon as they can offer a place for the child.

Access priority

The facility gives priority to parents from the Enfants Chablais network. Parents domiciled in this network or whose employer is part of it may benefit from subsidised rates. Other parents can place their children in the facility at the ‘non-network’ rate.

presentation of the daycare centre

The well-established pop e poppa aigle daycare centre is located in the multicultural residential suburb of Aigle. Painted in bright cheery colours, the premises offer children and their families a warm and cosy atmosphere.

Our pedagogic approach is based on the following values and believes:

  • Openness and originality
  • Treating oneself, the others and the environment with respect
  • Solidarity and helpfulness, even among the youngest of our charges
  • Confidence in the children’s ability to determine their own development
  • Conviction that close cooperation with the families provides security for children, families and staff alike

Our team of multicultural, creative and highly motivated young childcare professionals works closely with the families to establish a solid foundation of trust. We value the children’s learning outcomes and help them broaden their horizon through play. The centre provides a wide range of sensory, motoric and cultural experiences as well as workshops offering crafts, cooking, gardening and hands-on recycling activities.

This daycare centre is fully integrated into the Enfants Chablais network and collaborates actively with the other facilities in the network to find childcare solutions for parents seeking the best possible balance between professional and family life.

Find the new network tariff calculator here.

Nathalie Marcoz
Nathalie Marcoz & Giovanni Pellegrino
Nathalie has been a daycare centre manager for almost 20 years. In addition to her training as a child educator, she holds a CAS in team management and project management. She has been a guest speaker in modules for trainers in professional practice. Giovanni is a child educator, has a CAS as a training practitioner and is a facilitator for the Points Rencontre in the framework of a child protection mandate.

The joy of growing up

Roots and wings

Socio-emotional skills help the child to make progress on a personal level.

The joy of playing

«Playing is a child's work, it's their job, it's their life.» This is not only amusing, it's crucial.

I'm doing it!

The child learns that it can do everyday things on its own: put on its jacket, eat like adults, wash its hands, etc.

A better world

For our teams, good treatment is a constant behaviour of respect and trust to value and encourage the child.


une demande de préinscription du Réseau Enfants Chablais
réseau enfants chablais en photos
réseau enfants-chablais suisse
contact espace de vie enfantine
faire une demande de place crèche aigle
La crèche et l’UAPE pop e poppa aigle
uape d’aigle
réseau enfants chablais

Additional documents

Annual closure (FR)


Daycare registration (FR)


modification/end form (FR)


Regulations (FR)
