mutli-age group

Daycare centre Chêne-Bougeries


apply for a place

Registration at the Bureau de la Petite Enfance (BuPE), Route du Vallon 6bis (next to the Registrar’s office), 1224 Chêne-Bougeries. T: 022 869 17 89 – –

Priority access

Childcare facilities subsidized by the commune of Chêne-Bougeries are reserved, as a priority, for children whose parents live in the commune of Chêne-Bougeries.

presentation of the daycare centre

The educational team and manager offer an educational welcome inspired by free educational exploration, playful itinerancy, Emilia Reggio pedagogy and moments of immersion in the German language.

Offering an environment of diverse and varied explorations within a secure context will be one of our missions to help your children develop their autonomy and become beings free to be, think and act consciously and authentically!

Julie Ollinet
I'm firmly convinced that it's by changing the way we look at children that we'll help our society evolve, where fundamental values such as respect, pleasure, tolerance and love will take their place once again. It's with this philosophy in mind that I've been working with children since 2004, first as a childhood educator and since 2013 as director of a private crèche, where I have a CAS in project management.

the joy of growing up

A well-made head

Neuroscience studies tell us that an empathetic attitude promotes better neural development.

I want to…

Free-access play means giving free rein to the imagination and spontaneous movements for a child actor of his day.

Just like at home

Multi-ageing: with young and old in the same group, we observe a positive group


regulations (FR)


centralized regulations (FR)


regulations tarrifs (FR)


regulations information (FR)


annual closure (FR)


Welcome Brochure (FR)
